One Day
Wildfulness Retreats
Taste of the Wild
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Beltane one day retreat: Wednesday 30th April
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9:30am - 5:00pm
PLUS optional evening fireside session 5-8:30pm
Nailsworth, Gloucestershire
Stop Existing. Start Living.
When did you last take time for you? How would it feel to take a day away from it all, switching off, coming away feeling more courageous, confident and turned on to Life? To feel more like You?!
I invite you to escape the noise and busyness of life and spend a day in the woods away from it all, gathered around the fire with a small, supportive group of like-minded women.
Wild but comfortable, rustic but replenishing, this one day retreat is fun, spacious, and deeply nourishing at a soul level. You'll slow down, get back to basics and reconnect to that tender little spark inside of you. That flame that perhaps got buried, but is now ready to re-emerge.
During the day you'll be guided through calming and grounding Wildfulness practices, building your confidence to be outdoors alone, and explore themes of the current season or how to embrace the changing of the seasons. We'll cook our lunch together over the campfire and you'll even try your hand at lighting your very own fire from scratch. (Best party trick ever!).
Some events will come with the additional option of staying on for an evening fireside session - or even overnight! If you opt for this you'll also get a taste of BeWild - my year long journey over four multi-day retreats, diving into all things wild and journeying through the seasons as a small tribe of wild women. Experience what it's like to come together as a village, prepare and cook our supper together, and gather in circle as night begins to fall for songs, stories and poems around the fire.

Exact timings depend on the specific retreat and time of the year, but you can expect a day to run from approximately 9am-5pm.
The evening session (if applicable) will run til around 8:30pm.
There is a portaloo and a rustic hand-washing station. Wild wees are liberating, but certainly not obligatory!
We'll dance in it! 😉 Rain is just another adventure.
Yes, it will change some of our activities slightly however we have three canopied areas under which we can gather, including our main space around the fire. If you've ever been under canvas in a rain shower you'll know how heavenly it can be....imagine sipping steaming mugs of tea or hot chocolate, feeling the fuzzy warmth of the fire on your face, listening to the pitter patter of raindrops on the canvas and in the trees.....
Lunch and refreshments are provided (and, where there is an evening session, dinner too).
You'll also be invited to discover your Women's PowerTypes Profile (value £76) - a powerful insight into your areas of strength and challenges and an embodied approach to reclaiming your natural power.
Beltane Retreat: Wednesday 30th April 2025
Nailsworth, Gloucestershire 9:00am - 5:00pm/5:00pm-8:30pm
Ticket: £135/£165
“I absolutely LOVED my day in the woods with Jen and the other wonderful ladies! It was soooooo good to take the time away from my busy world and contemplate quietly in such beautiful and peaceful surroundings, sat around the fire and ‘letting go’ of stuff that so often gets in our way. I feel re-connected, grounded, and restful and really loved every single aspect of our day. Jen is like a female version of Bear Grylls, and yet, so gentle and compassionate. Thank YOU!”
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