Wild Retreats
Rest, Reconnect, Re-energise
Escape the noise and busyness of life and spend time out in nature away from it all, gathered around the fire with a small, supportive group of like-minded women. Wild but comfortable, rustic but replenishing, my seasonally-themed retreats range from 1 to 4 days and are fun, spacious and deeply nourishing at a soul level.
Whether coming to the woods for a day or four, these are not your average "retreats". Yes, they'll be revitalising and they'll also be profoundly transformational, reconnecting you to your inner wildness. It’s important to note that they are definitely not fluffy-towels-and-waited-on-hand-and-foot types of retreats! This is rustic, off-grid, everyone-getting-stuck-in, back-to-basics living. The way of living that our primal wild hearts yearn for. The way of living we have become so disconnected from in our fast-paced, busy, modern lives.
Which retreat will you choose? Click on one of the links below to find out how you can rediscover your wild…
One Day Retreats
When did you last take time for you? How would it feel to take a day away from it all, switching off to switch back on, coming away feeling more courageous, confident and turned on to Life?
GoWild: Woods
An introduction to wild camping, village building and the ways of the wild woman. Join me as we gather around the campfire for three days and two nights in a beautiful private woods in rural Gloucestershire.
GoWild: Dartmoor
A chance to really go wild! For this four day deeper dive into all things wild we will be based up at a secluded, off-grid site situated at the top of a beautiful river valley on the south-eastern edge of the moor.
Wild and Free
Imagine meditating in a woodland glade, dancing under a wild sky, gazing into flickering flames of the campfire and letting go of whatever’s holding you back from being truly Wild and Free. A popular retreat with co-facilitator Annie Stoker