What an orange dress taught me about Being Wild

When I talk about being wild, your thoughts might instantly jump to being out in nature. To camping, to sitting around the fire in the woods, to dancing barefoot on the grass or to munching on wild edibles.

That makes sense: we tend to think of the wild as "out there", and of course most of the photos and posts you’ll see from me share about life on retreat out in the woods, or my own adventures out in the wild.

What if I told you that you can Be Wild in a corporate board room? Or on your daily commute? Or while posting about your business on social media? When navigating tricky relationships? When hanging out with your kids?!

For me, Being Wild doesn’t always mean hanging out in the woods, with leaves and the smell of woodsmoke in my hair….

I can also Be Wild in a hot orange dress, crewing at an epic transformational conference of 380 women for 2 days in the basement of a London hotel.

I can Be Wild navigating London traffic during Monday morning rush hour.

I can Be Wild delivering a keynote talk at a networking meeting with a group of inspiring businesswomen.

Being Wild isn’t about running away from modern day life and returning to live in caves. Being Wild is navigating modern life using the skills, wisdom, qualities and gifts of nature and the old ways.

Being Wild is remembering who we truly are, and reconnecting with the wildness our bodies know, then applying that to thrive in our lives.

Yes, we learn to Be Wild out in the wild, and yes, once you’ve been out in the wild you’ll no doubt want to spend even more time out there. But when you do need to return to the "other" world, you’ll discover you have resources you’d forgotten - or never realised - you had.

Being Wild is having access to courage, confidence, authenticity, playfulness, resilience, joy, strength, awareness, alertness, calm, grounding, instinct, intuition, self-belief, vitality, connection and compassion.

Being Wild is choosing who YOU want to be. Who YOU want I show up as. What YOU stand for.

I reclaimed my hot orange dress this weekend. It’s no longer "my corporate dress". Wearing it, I felt wild. Yes, I love my usual floaty "hippy" clothes (and yes, in the woods you’ll probably still find me with twigs in my hair and stray wood ash smudged on my face), but that isn’t ALL of who I am. Being Wild is about embracing ALL parts of you, and confidently showing up in the world. In your business. In your relationships.

Being Wild is as simple and as complicated as being YOU. Sometimes you’ve just got to dig beneath the layers that have accumulated over the years to rediscover who that really is!

I absolutely LOVE supporting to women to rediscover THEIR version of Being Wild. And if that resonates with you, I’d love to support you! Whilst the next cohort of my year long nature-based retreat programme
BeWild doesn’t start until next year (and you're welcome to jump in for that - three awesome women are signed up for it already!), there are several ways you can work with me to start Being Wild in the meantime. Whether that’s through my 1-1 Wild Clarity coaching programme (only two spaces currently available), or attending one of my upcoming wild retreats, there'll be a level of wild to suit you.

Want help mapping out your own personalised journey to Being Wild? Book a free, no-obligation
Wild Discovery Call and let’s help you start Being Wild today!


Caution or courage? The echo of “Be Careful”


“But what if it rains?”