Jana - Coaching Client

Jana is a psychology & self-development teacher working with individuals and organisations. Jana came to Jen to find more ease, balance and flow in her professional and personal life.

Why did you decide to work with Jen?
"I knew I wanted to feel more aligned, more connected to myself, more like I was being 'me' in the world and expressing that in a clearer and deeper way than I had done before. My life seriously needed upgrading. On every possible level. From my work to my parenting, to my relationships - most importantly, the one with myself. Before working with Jen there were areas in my life where I felt flow and movement but too often I was feeling overly busy, stuck and overwhelmed. My life was filled with contradictions and too many conflicts internally - always worrying if I'd done the wrong thing or how others saw me (without really realising it). Feeling disconnected from who I truly was, living life more often for others than myself, and not in a good way."

When you and Jen were working together, what was most valuable?
"Her presence, her spirit of curiosity, challenge and kindness, and her constant, unwavering support and love. She has a way of holding you with absolute safety while playfully and skilfully holding up limiting ideas she is hearing and questioning them together with you. The knowing at all times that she was truly there.”

What did you most like about Jen's style?
"All of the above. Working with Jen is like having a wise playmate, in all the best ways - coaching doesn't feel intense and deep, unless that's where it's meant to go... And then it can be deeper than deep! Jen gives care, respect, love and humour. And the way she challenges you is always unexpected and transformative. I found myself so vulnerable, because Jen is vulnerable. I found myself so in touch with my emotions, because Jen holds you to be authentic to who you are on the deepest level."

What’s life like now?
"Bloody great! I’m not sure I’ve ever felt this much like ‘me’. I feel like who I was born to be, I feel whole. I feel like I know what I want, and who I am becoming. All my passions and loves are in my direct space, all the confusion and noise is being filtered out. It's a gift that's beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

Jen’s tagline is: ‘it’s time to thrive’... That’s what I’m doing now! I’m living life at a much more comfortable pace for me (and my family), more aware of my boundaries and knowing how to balance different priorities with ease. I identified a few values with Jen that I wanted to prioritise in my life at large - and now they’re showing up as a daily reality: experiencing more ease, flow, abundance and connection to myself and others. I’m enjoying work and family life, looking towards the future with a new sense of clarity and joy, aware that I can’t do it all at once; and that I don’t want to! I’m enjoying the peace, space and balance that have been three of the main gifts of working together. Working with Jen is something I’ll never forget – forever grateful!!"

What would you say to someone thinking of working with Jen?
"Do it! Do it now and don't second-guess yourself. My intuition brought me straight to Jen's door and I am glad that I went for it in every possible way. It has returned me to myself - to who I feel I was born to be. Jen has helped me to embrace who I truly am and it is a gift that is greater than gold. Jen is a phenomenal coach, one I am honoured and proud to have worked with. I cannot believe where this journey has taken me and I am so grateful."

Jana Nightingale



Jenny - One Day Retreat


Kaye - Coaching Client